Thursday, October 26, 2017

Keeping my mind healthy with 10

I mainly wanted to write this blog for myself. SO I can go back and remember all the things I did ( have done) to help me move forward.

 Staying healthy mentally was never something that was talked about growing up it it was never a subject that people would discuss so I kinda had to find out on my own things that helped me Stay in the moment, move forward and let go or just stay in a peaceful place.

1.  SAMe.  Jarrows SAMe is all natural medication that has helped me stay on track and keep my mind at ease.  It’s sometimes prescribed as a natural antidepressant and  I did take it when I was battling depression so were years ago and I still take it to this day. You can purchase it on Amazon for a good deal!

2. Meditation. I made it a practice to meditate for at least 5 minutes ( trying to increase to 10) each morning. Shutting my mind off is good training for when I feel overwhelmed and I can try to shut the thoughts off when I feel anxious.

3. Trees. Yes, real trees. I would go to a park that wasn't too close to a street (to avoid distractions) and sit under the tree and just sit. No music. no phone. alone. and I would listen to the wind and leaves move. I would sit for about 15 minutes maybe more and just relax.

4. Real food. I would stock up on fresh fruits and veggies from a farmer market and eat as much as I could because real food will always be better then processed food.

5. Write. I would write and write (kind of like I am now but way more deep) I would write and write in a notebook that NO ONE was allowed to read - to let out some huge confessions and thoughts that came up and I needed to write down and let it out.

6. Fast. Now most fast from food. I fast from social media. With being bombarded with social media, like, follows, pictures.....sometime to calm down I detach to be more in the moment.

7. CR. Celebrate Recovery is a Christian based group therapy program that is a safe place to also let out emotions and thoughts. I  was in a program a few years ago and I was in that program for roughly 2 years and it was a huge help her for me.

8. Build. I love Legos. So when I started to feel anxious or get down on myself I would get legos and start building. I started a lego collection and I want to start building more with HP legos since Potter is my ultimate favorite.

9. Library. Different but going to a library and sitting and just reading has helped me so much.

10. Pray. Yes I know you probably rolled your eyes and thought "what a cliche that a Pastors wife would say pray." But yes, pray. I pray and talk to God mainly in the car so no one interrupts me. I pray and as I pray and ask to show me what to read in the Bible and I have my Precious Moments bible with me and I will read what God shows me.

SO there ya go. A peaceful mind is a happy mind. Staying healthy meantally  is a huge priority for me so I take it very seriously and I do what I can to stay in a good place.

 Thank you for reading this!  I hope something I wrote down you will try it out and it helps.

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