Saturday, August 24, 2013

Emy Ruth Interviews: Bordin Marsinkul

 Bordin! We go way back to like 2010. How are you enjoying WonderCon?

- WonderCon has always been one of those show i look forward to be there every years.  I never get tired of being here. As much as I attended many show through out the US. None of them have the same vibe as WonderCon.

How long have you been attending this particular show WonderCon?

- For the pass 6 years now LOL

Seen any cosplays that have stood out to you?

-Umm... most of the time I really don't have the chance to look up, since I'm always looking down drawing at my table and pumping out those commissions LOL. But when I go on my break I did have the chance to look around for a bit, I can't say there's one stood out to me, since everyone look amazing on that weekend and it's hard to say. I do admire those transformer cosplay though LOL

When did you first start attending cons?

- Back in 2001 LOL right after High School

When did Hyper booster first emerge? Have you always been an independent artist or did you coincide with other companies before branching out on your own?

- I start out being individual artist right from the start. With what i know and can do now, it's really hard to work with others. I say being your own boss is the best decision I made.

Hyperbooster and myself back in 2011

Who was your inspiration growing up? Any particular artists or people that drove you to do this particular business?

-Many Japanese Artist. Such Toriyama Akira ( Dragonball ) Takehiko Inoue ( Slam Dunk, Vagabond ) I love their style so much that I want to be like them in terms of drawing skill wise. But as for business, I really didn't follow anyone. I just think about , how can I get people to see my work as much as possible
Are there any  projects you are currently working on?
-As for project wise, I'm currently working on some more fan work prints such Avatar.

What has been your favorite commission so far?

-This one painting I did for the guys who work at Disney LOL that one painting alone hep me paid off my credit card dept hahaha. So that was one of my favorite piece.

Any bizarre commissions?

- OH yes but I rather not type in detail here LOL you can come and ask me when you see me.

Oh I will next time I see you!!! How can people contact you?

- You can go to my website at or friend me on Facebook at 'Bordin Marsinkul"or even email me at