Saturday, April 13, 2013

Example to Assumption

I want to help people so I allow myself to be vulnerable so people can see I am human and I am approachable.

I was sitting with my friends and we were just talking about work issues, family, future plans and somehow the conversation turned into talking about cops and I won't hide it - I don't like cops very much. I have had some mean run ins with cops, they have very scary attitudes to me. Plus, coming from a commuters frustration, I get so peeved when I see cops turn their lights off to get off the freeway or drive in the carpool lane alone or even run over double-yellow lines constantly - little freeway choices peeve me because I do my best to follow all rules on the road and the exact people enforcing them are running around breaking those rules and then turning around and issuing tickets who do the exact same thing they do. It just peeves me.

So through this conversation it was apparent that I don't like cops for that reason but after ranting I felt this feeling come over me and the Lord showed me how I was being an unfair person by having the attitude today and that how the world today judges ALL Christians based on the actions of just a few Christians - just like I was judging ALL cops based on the actions of just a few cops. I saw that I was having a worldly attitude and that I needed to change that. I am a Christian and I am putting myself out there as a Christian so people know this is who I am and it will not change. I am not ashamed of being a Christian, and I am trying my best to fight those accusations that come against Christians and showing that not ALL Christians are mean and judgmental, and that we are loving and are full of Gods love but I don't be successful if I am having that exact attitude I am trying to fight against. It won't work and God won't be able to assist me if I'm full of this negative attitude- kind of defeats the purpose of helping people.

Which leads me to tell everyone out there reading this is don't judge an entire group of people based on one or two bad experiences. It's just as silly as having a bad encounter with a person who has black hair and than assuming everyone who has black hair is a mean person. Absurd right? Same thing thing goes for Christians- and in my case cops.

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