Friday, March 1, 2013

Pick Your Battles

I first heard this phrase from That 70s show, Kitty was telling Jackie to not fuss about every little thing and just pick your battles, whats more important? Kitty was seeing how Jackie would fight with Hyde about what he said, what he wore, what he ate, and she would go on and on and so Kitty explained to pick your battles and just decide whats more important to fuss about.The same concept can be found in another show called "Boy meets World" in which Mr Feeny had to help Cory, Topanga, Shawn, Angela, Jack and Rachel all be friends again. Why? They allowed silly pranks to overcome and take out their friendship. ( On a side note, it came out that it was Rachel was the one who was most hurt because she felt like she didn't belong with any of them so she ran out crying) Both of these things can be seen in everyday life how people allow tiny things to just destroy friendships, relationships or even marriages. It all boils down to whats more important to you? Why fuss about something that will be forgotten tomorrow? And remember matter how much you try to please people, its never enough.

I had some interesting talks with people about how they've been hurt, talked bad about for no reason and all this stuff that people have done to them and it makes you sit and're not alone. People get into oddball fights all the time. Now in BMW the gang didn't resolve their fights at first. Instead, they left the classroom and didn't talk about anything and just ended the entire friendship, later on all 6 of them were reunited about 10 years later at Mr Feenys retirement party. Now, what stood out of me the MOST os when Rachel said how they allowed the fight over her tear up their friendships for good and she mad the comment "Wow I thought nothing could break you guys apart." and that stuck out so much to me. Its baffling to me how people can change in the blink of an eye over something not even worth fighting about. Seriously? You say to yourself why are we arguing about something so petty? Is it worth it? Is it THAT big of a deal and if so......why? Now near the end of the episode they went back in time and they got to re-live that meeting in classroom and the gang got back together again and they all lived "happily ever after" but in real life we cant do that. We cant re-wind anything, we have to deal with the now.

Take a step back and look at past fights you've had with people, what were they about? Was it even relevant or in any way important that it had to end in anger and hurtful words? Life is hard enough as it is, instead of fighting about silly non-sense we need to try and build each other up. Be encouraging of each others talents and if you view things them out. Be rational and understand people have different view...try to see them, talk them out and if a solution has been concluded then DON'T look back and bring up old stuff that have been resolved, its not worth it. *Remember the love verse that love keeps no record of wrongs!* If a situation has been talked about and dealt with, throwing it back at someone doesn't solve anything. Why are you beating a dead horse?

Anthony, my friend, put it great when he said that I am too busy doing Gods work to worry about non-sense and petty fights. He told me that the devil wants to try and keep us busy and worried over silly non-sense, setting little traps here and there to make us trip up and worry about "He said this!" or "She said that!" or "she is doing this over here" while "He is doing that over there" when all the while the Lord is saying to us "Stop pleasing man and keep living this life I gave you!" Complete the race with joy as Paul would say it. The Lord gave us a mission here on earth and instead of tripping up, do your part for the kingdom.

No one, and I'm speaking to myself, should allow petty fights to take away their peace and joy. Its not worth it. Peace may or may not be made...I am not certain but what I am certain is I have a life that I'm living and I refuse to let an argument stumble me or have power over me, and you shouldn't either! If a fight occurs in your life and no solution can be met than just....move on! Fights here, fights there......just let it go, let it roll right off your shoulder, the hardest part is over. Take a deep breathe and see that life is so much more then....that fight.

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